Are you interested in joining our crew here at OC Softball Blues? Here is what you need to do:

First, you must be referred by an umpire who is currently on our roster. We are not a start up association, we deal with mainly the higher level of travel ball teams. We do not do basic training, so if you are new to umpiring, we are not the place to start……

I will need your name, address, cell phone number, email address, the name of the umpire who referred you, and if you currently use Arbiter or not. If you do is the email address you provided the one you use on Arbiter? There are two forms attached here, a W-9 and an Independent Contractor agreement, print them out and mail them to us along with your info and your first years dues of $25. Dues after this will be deducted from your last check in July or your first check in the new season. Our season runs September 1st to August 31st. If you plan on doing Surf City or PGF games, you will also need to register on the PGF website, registration is currently $55 per season, which is the same as ours, September 1st to August 31st. I cannot schedule you to any PGF or Surf City games until that is done.

If you are a non-resident of California, I am required to withhold 7% of all earnings you make in California if you are expected to make $1500 or more in a calendar year in California. If you do not expect to make $1500 or more but it becomes clear later that you will I will start withholding when that becomes clear. In either case, if you do not live in California, please fill out the attached non resident form.

Mail to

OC Softball Blues Inc

26811 Poveda

Mission Viejo Ca 92691

Form W-9

OCSB Independent Contractor Agreement